Terms and conditions
Welcome on www.kiraly.ro/ (the “Website”). The Website is Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office, with headquarter in Târgu Mureș, Brăila str. no. 1, ap. 4, Mureș county, Romania, property.
By using the Website, you will find information with respect to Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office, the activities performed by Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office on the legal service market in Romania, as well as with respect to the practices covered by Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office activity. In addition, the Website contains news, articles and other materials which may concern significant developments occurred or updates registered in relation to the legislative framework applicable in Romania, the European or national case law etc.
Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office makes every effort to check and test the material offered by this Website, at all stages of production. We also recommend the users to run an antivirus program for all the materials downloaded from the Internet. Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system, which may occur whilst navigating on Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office Website.
The Website offers to any of its users the possibility to access the content provided for the personal use of the user.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights over the content of the Website, including over the articles, text, photographs and illustrations. You also agree that you will not use such materials in any way whatsoever, unless you received the prior express written consent of Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office.
If you send an inquiry by email to either a specific contact or a general contact address identified on Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office Website, we shall use your personal data obtained from your inquiry to respond to your request.
Certain personal data are collected through the Website. The details on the processing by Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office of such personal data are available in our Privacy policy.
The Website may contain links to websites and resources that are not our property. Király Arthur-Adalbert Law Office has no control over these websites and the resources found therein, and therefore shall not be liable for the availability of such websites, nor for the content, advertising, goods, services, information or other materials available on or through these websites, for the functionality or performances of such websites or for the infringement of any intellectual property rights or other rights, that occurs through these websites. By accessing the indicated websites you confirm that you understand the possible consequences of entering the indicated websites, and you agree and accept the above-stated terms and conditions.
This Website is provided for information purposes and it does not constitute legal advice. The information is not intended to substitute the legal advice from an attorney licensed in the area of practice involved in your case.
Should the Terms and Conditions change in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regular updating of this page ensures you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, and, if applicable, whether we transfer it to other persons.